Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Saskatoon Circle 2011 - Primitive Skills Gathering

 My daughter at kids camp......collecting berries
 Lots of bounty...choke cherries, elderberries, currents, saskatoons, rosehips, mustard greens.
 Bedouin style soft basketry.....

 Cordage...nettles, horsehair, wool, raw hide
 Back pack made from willow...
 Dominga from Guatamala sharing back strap loom....
 Lap spindle.........
 Skalatude....the beautiful site
 Caribou hide being softened.....
 Hide camp......
 Beautiful bark baskets.....
 Scraping the hide.......
 Smoking a hide....
 Deer jerky......
My daughter making cordage........carrying the torch for the next generation.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Buckskin medicine bags

These two I just finished.....haven't listed on ETSY yet.

Put your special treasures in these neck bags to protect them.......

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cowgirl's Delight

This is a new one I'm working on right now.......I keep forgetting to take photos from the very beginning...Should have this one finished soon.

Finished now.......came out pretty good. I'm happy with it. Something different.

My Paintings

 Trillium 2' x 4'

 True companions 3' x 3'

 Wide Open Spaces 3' x 3'

 Standing Guard 2' x 3'

Balsam Root 2' x 3'