Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
It's customary for me to do a painting on New Year's. I usually open my self up to what comes to me and this year it is Hawthorne!
Hawthorne is an amazing shrubby tree full of spikey thorns. It's shrubby nature makes it a great habitat tree for shelter and protection for wildlife. I once found a bobcat cashe under one of these trees as I was trailing him. They produce beautiful fruit and the berries last well into the winter. We have Black Hawthorne here in the PNW, which produces very dark blackish berries. In other countries the berries are a bright red. This painting I am working on will have red berries, because I want it to be colorful and alive!
Hawthorne's action in a medicinal way works as a heart tonic to strengthen. I am painting this tree for it's energetic action on the collective as a whole. I am creating this to help strengthen our hearts for the year to come. So that we may be more compassionate with each other and have the will to search for healing and truth. I will post pictures as the painting develops along the way.

I'm doing this painting on raw canvas! It's an experiment, so we will see how it goes.....fingers crossed.

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